Failure of Bihar Education System

Failure of Bihar Education System

Bihar Intermediate Results: Failure of Education System

The result of the Bihar Inter examination has caused shock waves. But such result was inevitable. It is outcome of negligence of government since last more than two decades to secondary education. The present administration of Intermediate Council is not responsible for such poor results. Even now if government wakes up from deep slumber of about three decades then all round reform can be brought in to strengthen secondary education system. It depends upon seriousness of the government.

In last more than two decades I used to have arguments with the almost all Secretaries of the Education Department. I used to point to them about shortcomings in education system at all levels- Primary, Secondary, Intermediate, College and University. Besides holding post of DM and Divisional Commissioner I was Vice-Chancellor of Bhagalpur University as well. I used to point out great shortage of Medical and Engineering colleges also. They used to give pet reply. They go by ideas of the CMs only. If the CMs did not have vision of education so was the case of the Secretaries. They believed in status quo of the system. The CMs used to post such officers as Secretary and Director in the department who did not have vision or commitment to education. This is the greatest misfortune of the education system in Bihar.

Due to rampant corruption in examination system the naked truth about collapse of education system was not glaring. But all stake holders were happy right from students to teachers to principals to promoters of private institutions to officers of education department to bureaucrats of education department to ministers to CMs. From the Finance Secretary I learnt that basic motive of the government is to save money at the cost of quality of Secondary school education. That is why the education department did not appoint BEd qualified teachers. All governments were keen to appoint unqualified persons on contract basis. Most of them were political workers or those who got job by mercy of politicians at lower levels.

The recent results of Intermediate examination gave jolt to all stakeholders except may be to the present Chairman and Secretary who held their posts as additional charge. Their administration fully exposed the reality of standard of Secondary education. Due to students agitation it is for the first time that all stake holders are seeing their ugly faces in the mirror. Now, damage control system has been launched. But the malaise in school education is so stinking that it cannot be handled by using fan. It requires serious large scale long range but urgent surgical reforms.

I would like to give some suggestions for overhauling of the education system and bringing great reforms.

  1. Immediate steps to be taken to fill up large vacancies of teachers at Secondary and Primary level schools. The teachers recruitment rules should be amended to encourage candidates with high educational qualifications like B.Ed., M.A., M.Sc. and PhD. Extra points should be given to candidates possessing higher qualifications than the minimum qualification required for the post. This is the criteria adopted in government of NCT of Delhi and other states. In last more than two decades the top in-charge of education, both political and bureaucrats deliberately excluded for petty political gains the candidates with high educational qualifications. As you sow so you reap. Please do not say that Bihari students have been doing so well in UPSC Civil Services examinations. They are Bihari no doubt but they got higher education and even secondary education in Delhi or other places out of Bihar.
  2. The Primary School Teachers who hold degrees of BEd, MA, MSc and PhD should be promoted to level of teachers of Secondary School. This can be achieved in two months by organizing special drive. Their retirement age of BEd trained teachers should be increased to 65 years like college teachers.
  3. Large scale vacancies of teachers in Primary schools can be filled by conducting examination by any respectable Committee or Commission in which persons of proven high integrity are appointed its members and chairman. Ensure availability of subject specific teachers in all schools.
  4. Infrastructure of school should be constructed on priority basis. There is need of high allocation of funds for infrastructure. All schools in Bihar should have good buildings with modern toilet facilities. It would boost Swach Bharat campaign also. There is great need of facilities and equipment for practical training laboratory in different science subjects. There is also need for standard Computer training at all schools. The Spoken English courses should introduced at least in secondary school level. Bihari students face disadvantage in job opportunities available outside the state.
  5. The schemes of free availability of cycle, uniform, books, scholarship and midday meal should be implemented without corruption.
  6. The government should give direction to SDO, DM and Divisional Commissioner to inspect or even visit at least one school under their jurisdiction in a week. This should be incorporated in the ACRs of concerned officers. Wherever I was posted as DM or Divisional Commissioner I made my routine to inspect one school every week.
  7. Arrange competent teachers for setting the question papers and for examination of the copies.
  8. Everybody knows that some teachers do not teach properly in class, due to incompetence or inclination. Some Students also waste their time. Please form Parents and Teachers Committee at every school to regularly meet to monitor performance of teachers and students.
  9. The government should not be miser towards school education. Please spend money on priority basis. Here the responsible citizens of Bihar and India are being made.
  10. The CM, the Minister, the Secretary, the Chairman of Secondary / Intermediate examination Board and Council and the Director of Secondary Education can bring in large scale reform if they have commitment. I wish them great success.

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