In 1992 I visited Germany. After completion of my course at Hull University in UK I along with my wife undertook a tour ofWestern Europe in 1992. I reached Germany by Cosmos tourist bus.
On 8th April 1992 at 7.30 am I left my hotel Lisse in Holland and took route Dan Hague on way to Rhine Cruise and Austria. The approximate distance was 480 kms. I took lunch near the famous Cathedral of Kohln. I saw Kurdish people on hunger strike at its campus under the banner of PKK.
The important cities I saw were Cologne (Kohln), Ulm, situated on the River Danube is birth place of Einstein. I passed by Bonn also which was then capital of West Germany.
Few things are to be always remembered. Germany was a big power during the world wars, though thoroughly defeated and divided into West Germany and East Germany, now reunited after demolition of the Berlin wall. It has produced great scientists such as Albert Einstein and musicians like Beethoven. The world’s best wine yards are located at foot hills of Germany. In the automobile industry it has always been a great name. India’s cultural relations with Germany has been continuing and flourishing. In this the contribution of Max Mueller is remarkable and outstanding.
I visited Cologne. The most important land mark is historical Roman Catholic Cathedral, which is a symbol of the city. It has unique Gothic architecture besides being of grand size. When I was there I saw a group of Kurds under the banner of PKK were chanting slogans during their demonstration. I understand that due to their presence in Germany the refugees fleeing from ISIS attack in Syria and Iraq in general and Kurds in particular could get entry in Germany in 2015 when some other European Union countries were resisting entry of refugees to their countries.
I undertook the romantic Rhine cruise on 9th April. The cruise on Rhine was a romantic experience. The cruise passes between hills having grand and beautiful castles and buildings on both sides. There were tourists from all over the world enjoying the scenic beauty. It is a must experience for any tourist, and memorable. I also saw imposing ruins of Heidelberg Castle at River Rhine, magnificent and unique. It is seat of an important university named after the city.
I spent some time in Ulm. While seeing traffic red light and the town I remembered Albert Einstein who was born there. On way to Austria I found snow around Nesselwang village in Bavaria in Germany.
I visited Germany again on way to USA but remained confined to Frankfurt airport.
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